The 292nd Sydney Mining Club – Leading Edge Event
at 5.15 pm on 5 September 2024 at the Establishment Ballroom
Riding the Tin Boom in Australia
Three of Australia’s Biggest Tin Companies to Present at the Sydney Mining Club
At 5:30pm on the 5th of September at The Establishment, the Sydney Mining Club will host the Executive Director of Metals X Brett Smith; CEO of Stellar Resources Simon Taylor; and CEO of First Tin Bill Scotting to discuss their world-class tin projects in Tasmania and NSW.
Metals X (ASX: MLX)
Brett Smith, Executive Director
Metals X is Australia’s only listed tin producer. It has a 50% equity interest in the Renison Tin Operation in Tasmania.
Renison is the largest tin producer in Australia and its one of the world’s largest and highest-grade tin mines. It’s an underground mine and it’s located on the west coast of Tasmania, approximately 15km north-east of Zeehan.
The Renison resource now stands at 20.2 Mt at 1.45% tin for a total of 291,000 tonnes of contained tin. This gives the project a mine life of around 20 years.
In 2023 Metals X mined approximately 780,000 tonnes or ore at an average grade of 1.65% with a Mill recovery of 76%. This yielded about 9,500 tonnes of tin metal at an all-in cost of A$30,600/tonne.
Stellar Resources (ASX: SRZ)
Simon Taylor, CEO
Stellar Resources owns the Heemskirk Tin Project that’s about 10 minutes down the road from the Renison mine.
At Heemskirk, Stellar has a mining lease and a Total Mineral Resource Estimate 7.48Mt @ 1.04% Sn (77.87kt contained Sn) at a cut-off grade of 0.6% Sn.
A scoping study from 2019 showed that Stellar could produce approximately 2,200tpa of tin at an all-in sustaining cost of about A$20,000/t from an underground mine at Heemskirk.
At its St Dizier open cut project, Stellar has a total mineral resource of 2.3mt @ 0.61% Sn (13,786t of contained tin) at a cut-off grade of 0.3% Sn.
Stellar is confident that it will be Australia’s next operating tin mine.
First Tin (LON: 1SN)
Bill Scotting, CEO
First Tin’s flagship project is the Taronga Mine in northern NSW. The project hosts a total resource of 133Mt at 0.10% for 138.3kt of contained tin.
Recently First Tin released a DFS on the Taronga project which demonstrated an economic open pit mining operation that would extract 39.7Mt at 0.13% to produce 30.6kt of tin in concentrate over 9 years.
First Tin is currently aiming to bring Taronga into production in CY26, however timing is subject to securing the relevant permitting and project funding.
First Tin also owns the Tellerhäuser and Gottesberg tin projects in Saxony, Germany. Tellerhäuser is its most advanced project in Germany and hosts a resource of 27.9Mt at 0.50% for 138.6kt of contained tin.
Not to be missed!