Vale Chris Sabin

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To Gillian Sabin & all
I have been running the Sydney Mining Club for the 24 years since its creation and though more than 15 of those years Chris Sabin was by my side serving the members with his unrelenting and entirely voluntary help. I used to address him as ‘amigo’ because he was a friend to me through all the challenges that continuously presenting high profile speakers threw at us. Chris fielded most of them.
His industry knowledge was encyclopaedic and he was always able to pick up the phone and connect with industry leaders with his slightly British and proper manner. It gave the Club a nice air. His connection with Sharon Johnson and her strong administration at the Lindfield Corporate Centre gave us a strong operating backbone.
We consistently presented major mining projects, one a month, year in year out.  Over a year, we served thousands of lunches, and the members came to deeply love ‘their’ Club. Our Patron, Australia’s greatest business writer the wonderful Trevor Sykes was also very fond of Chris and was also very sad to hear of his passing. We have lost a loyal, constant and important friend.
Best wishes to all close to him, vale Chris

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