The 275th Sydney Mining Club – Leading Edge Event
at 5.15 pm on 2 March 2023 at the Establishment Ballroom
Good as Gold
Three Explorers on the Path to Eureka – on Thursday the 2nd of March, the Sydney Mining Club presents Southern Cross Gold (ASX: SXG), PacGold (ASX: PGO) and Kingston Resources (ASX: KSN) at the Establishment Ballroom 252 George Street, Sydney CBD.
Southern Cross Gold (ASX: SXG): A Gold and Antimony Explorer in the Victorian Melbourne Belt
Southern Cross Gold has been an investor’s dream.
Listing on the ASX less than a year ago, the share price has soared from 20 cents to over 70 cents, and it’s hardly surprising to see why.
At its assets in Bendigo, the company has achieved nineteen >100 g/t AuEq x metre cumulative intercepts at the Sunday Creek project, including 119.2 m @ 2.9 g/t AuEq at Apollo, 21.5 m @ 15.0 g/t AuEq at Rising Sun and 48.9 m @ 3.0 AuEq at Golden Dyke.
The best part?
These three areas extend over a short 700 m strike zone within a larger 11 km mineralised trend. They are located two kilometres along strike north of Mandalay Resource’s Costerfield mine – the world’s 7th highest grade gold mine.
The area also demonstrates wide zones of antimony mineralisation – a critical metal used in defence that is largely produced by the Chinese and the Russians.
Download SXG Southern Cross Gold SMC Leading Edge RaaS Report
PacGold (ASX: PGO): A First-Mover Gold Explorer in North Queensland
PacGold is a gold explorer in a dream location.
With eight mining leases and five exploration permits in an area that has been historically underexplored, PacGold is the first mover in what may be another rich gold province in the sunny tropics of far-north Queensland.
Since its IPO in March 2021, PacGold has completed more than 20,000m of drilling at Alice River, with a pipeline of high-grade targets along a previously overlooked 30km trend that is now established.
Grades are impressive.
At its first target, the company has a 17m intercept @ 9.3g/t Au from 192m including 3m @ 25.3g/t Au discovery on top of 43m @ 3.0g/t Au from 214m incl. 6m @ 17.5g/t Au.
PacGold expects there’s much more to come.
Download PGO PacGold SMC Leading Edge RaaS Report
Kingston Resources (ASX: KSN): A Gold/Copper Explorer and Producer in Cobar and Papua New Guinea
Kingston Resources (ASX: KSN): A Gold/Copper Explorer and Producer in Cobar and Papua New Guinea
Kingston Resources is a gold and copper company, operating the Mineral Hill mine in Cobar and advancing the 3.8Moz Misima Gold Project in Papua New Guinea.
At its historic Mineral Hill mine in Cobar, Kingston has an extensive gold, copper, lead, zinc and silver resource base, a long production history, a recently upgraded 400ktpa CIL circuit, and an existing flotation plant.
Gold tailings on site are currently being processed through the CIL circuit, delivering gold production for Kingston. Kingston is also exploring several promising targets located within the same mining lease.
Meanwhile, Kingston is exploring and developing a historic asset with significant scale 2500 kilometres to the north on Misima Island, Papua New Guinea.
The Misima asset ceased operations in 2004, having successfully produced 3.7Moz over a 15-year mine life. Recent drilling indicates potential for long-life, low-cost gold mine with 1.73Moz Reserve and $956m a NPV.
Download KSN Kingston Resources SMC Leading Edge RaaS Report
Not to be missed!