Barry Tudor
Barry Tudor is the founder, Chairman and CEO of Pembroke Resources.
A coal industry leader for two decades, he has held senior executive positions in several listed and international resource companies, including CEO and Managing Director of ASX listed Gloucester Coal, CEO of Exalt Resources Limited, Managing Director – Australian Operations and Senior Vice President – Strategy for SGX listed Noble Group. Through strategic development and value enhancement he has successfully built several steelmaking coal enterprises and has led operations through all stages of the commodities cycle. After leading the hostile takeover of Gloucester Coal, Barry was instrumental in driving a dramatic increase in company value.
In 2014 Barry founded Pembroke Resources with a vision to create a significant new steelmaking coal enterprise. In 2016 he acquired high quality exploration concessions in the Bowen Basin of Queensland which he integrated to create the Olive Downs Complex, which will become one of the world’s largest suppliers of steelmaking coal. In 2018 Barry expanded Pembroke’s operations to include a high-quality steelmaking coal operation in Central Kalimantan Indonesia, developing the asset from greenfield to production in three years, using local expertise overarched with the same strategic focus and approach. Under Barry’s leadership the Olive Downs Complex has progressed rapidly through the rigorous approvals process and is now fully financed and in the final stages of construction.
The success of the billion-dollar development has been in large part due to a dedicated focus to create a “model mine” utilising the latest approaches to mining while meeting and exceeding today’s demanding standards. Barry has been hands-on in creating a business that ensures conservation, environmental, social, and governance initiatives are the priority. Barry started his career at KPMG, followed by a variety of senior regional and international roles in finance, management and marketing. Barry holds a Bachelor of Economics degree from Macquarie University and a Master of Business Administration degree from MGSM. He is a Fellow Chartered Accountant and a Member of the Institute of Company Directors in Australia.